Lizzie Godden - Textile Artist

Lizzie is a textile artist living in the beautiful Forest of Dean, who enjoys making plant dyes to colour fabric and thread. She loves slow stitch, has been slowly stitching for a long time. She enjoys ecoprinting onto fabric and paper, printing onto garments, making cards, constructing items using ecoprinted fabric and paper.  She loves to walk and gather - old rusty items, pieces of fallen bark in the woods, leaves, fruit - and use them as inspiration and for dyeing and printing, as well as for wine making! 



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"Lizzie's teaching is informative, inspirational, fun and exciting.  She has an infectious style of teaching, makes the most of every minute and provides loads of information for you to go away and experiment yourself.  She is generous, kind and patient.  I love her enthusiasm for her subject and would recommend you book any course with her."

Fiona Evans, Springfield Arts